The purpose of starting new churches is to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ to lead people into a life changing relationship with Him. Through this effort, new churches begin. Here in the Seattle area, we do not start churches to reach the churched, but instead to reach those who are at the heart of a very secular, post-modern society. The Pacific Northwest is not a post-Christian society. It is a never-was-Christian society. Only 4% of the population is active in an evangelical church. Only 10% go to a church of any kind at least twice a year. In the greater Seattle area, God has started dozens of new churches in recent years among several groups, including Southern Baptists. Southern Baptists, through the leadership of the Puget Sound Baptist Association and in partnership with the Northwest Baptist Convention and North America Mission Board, has seen over 80 new churches since the year 2000. The hope the dream is that a true God-led movement is developing to a point that the region is transformed to a place where it is evident that God reigns. The Puget Sound area (greater Seattle) literally could use another 1000 churches today to help accomplish that transformation.